Bust out the lights, red lipstick, and jazz hands, I’m going to Chicago!

Having only traveled to Chicago once before, I feel like I am going to be able to redeem my first experience by actually being able to see the city… even if only for a day. I’ll be speaking at the Evangelical Covenant Youth Workers Connection this weekend and I’m excited to encourage, equip, and empower the leaders of the next generation.

Being that it’s my first time speaking in Chicago, I’m wildly nervous. And when I’m nervous I talk a lot. And when I talk a lot I’m annoying. And when I’m annoying no one wants to talk to me. It’s a vicious cycle I hope to break in the windy city of Chi-town.*

I’m also posting this here because I would love to [shamelessly] solicit prayer. I’m teaching a workshop on telling your story, and right now—in this moment—my story is the very thing I want to run away from. I want to be perfect and polished and pretty, but right now I feel like a juggling clown with really bad makeup. I will also be speaking on the closing Sunday night session and would be ever-grateful if you prayed I kept my marbles together. The last thing we need is for me to get emotional and turn into a weeping willow! Can I get an amen?!

Please add to your to-do list: Pray for Bianca.

If you’re in the Chicago area and have some MUST-TRY things to do or places to explore culinary cuisine, let me know. πŸ˜‰

*Note to self: Discover why native Chicagoans refer to Chicago as Chi-town.

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