desertology session one…

It’s Friiiiiiiday! You know what that means? It’s pay day! It’s the start of the weekend! It’s cheat day if you’re on a diet! It’s catch-up-on-sleep-you-missed-during-the-week day! But it also means it’s time for another...

vlog: is smoking a sin…

Who knew a tobacco wrapped in a small piece of white paper would cause such a controversy for the American church? Not too long ago I heard a pastor preach a sermon on the theological sin of smoking. Not smoking weed, but smoking anything, including cigarettes. It was...

i will wait for you…

To all my single ladies in the house, I’ve got this little diddy for you. If I was half as talented as this girl and had her hair, I would be on every street corner beatboxing this truth. Because it’s the truth… and the truth will set you free. And...


I remember my college Economics professor explaining TINSTAAFL. Tinstalffel [as pronounced by Dr. Wing] represented the basic economical principle that nothing in life is free. According to Dr. Wing, There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch [tistaafl]. Well, I...

school of the hard knocks…

I may not have a degree in Theology nor a Master’s in Divinity, but serving God’s people has taken me through the School of Hard Knocks, struggling to obtain a degree in Ministerial Endurance with a minor in Failure. The blessed-curse of the School of the...

100 words: be who you is…

The plight of man is the longing to be so much more than we are. Malcontent and disillusioned looking at the lives of others, we are left aching for more and grasping for mirages of a life which might have been. But we are more than the expectation of others, the...

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