being in the middle with big girl panties on…

being in the middle with big girl panties on…

We all—whether knowingly or unknowingly—have been in between. Yes, in between the has and hasn’t yet; the past and the future; Egypt and the Promise Land. Today’s post is guest post from my friend LB. She’s candidly sharing a moment from...

vlog: be strong and courageous…

“Be strong and courageous…” The words of Joshua and Caleb are true even today when obtaining the future that God has prepared for us! In the last session of the summer Desertology series, we excavate what Joshua meant and how to appropriate that in...

vlog: desertology two…

God: You need to change, Bianca. Me: [what I should have said] Yes, Lord! Anything for your glory. Your will is what I want and if change is what is going to refine and mature me, I will gladly do what you ask. [Then bust out in a lyrical dance of Carrie...

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