

The conversation was nothing new or out of the ordinary, but there was a weight in the words that felt different. She was overwhelmed and tired and feeling like she was giving her all and still coming up short. I’ve been there. If we’re honest, we’ve...
IF gathering podcast…

IF gathering podcast…

Yassas and Здравейте to all my fine American friends! It’s been a crazy couple weeks with work and my goal was to blog all about it while I was in Greece and Bulgaria, but as the computer gods would have it, my computer died. Well, it was dead to me and...

thoughts on forgiveness…

It’s often been said that holding on to resentment is like drinking poison and expecting it to kill someone else. But we’re rarely fond of the alternative. On a topical level, forgiveness can feel like fat-free food: unsatisfying. It’s easier to imagine ways of...

cooper gokee and miracles…

Look, I’m going to be very honest with you. Very rarely do I ask others to do stuff for me. Call it pride, call it self-sufficiency, call it awesomeness, whatevs. 😉 I like to think that when I do ask someone to do something for me, it’ll be done because...
scandalous [4]…

scandalous [4]…

Happy weekend, friends! To stay true to completing the summer online James series, here is this week’s installment of The Scandalous Message of James. Before you begin: Have you ever added one tablespoon of salt to a recipe when it should have been one teaspoon?...

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