the land down unda’…

the land down unda’…

When Sabrina Peters contacted me to be featured in an Australian magazine, I put on my best Aussie accent and said, Croiking, I’d love to, mate! And then I emailed her and replied I would be honored… without a tacky accent. This is my first time I’ve...
100 word wednesday…

100 word wednesday…

“To read is to empower To empower is to write To write is to influence To Influence is to change To change is to live.” ~ Jane Evershed ~ I find home somewhere between the pages of books. As novelist Jean Rhys said, Reading makes immigrants of us all. It...
marinating meat…

marinating meat…

I’m going to lose all the vegetarians in 3…2…1! I eat meat. And as a recovering vegetarian, I find moments when the sight of meat sizzling on a pan is too much to handle because I can envision feathers or the hoofs once attached to the carcass....
save the date, party animals, and mind games…

save the date, party animals, and mind games…

Deep, down somewhere inside of my soul is a party animal who likes to stay up late, dance unapologetically, and live life on the edge. Unfortunately, the deep parts of my soul don’t always surface. So it’s really just me talking about dancing wildly,...
and the worst wife award goes to…

and the worst wife award goes to…

Tuesday: Spoke at my dad’s church to couples about marriage, commitment, love and respect alongside my husband acting like an amazing wife. Wednesday: Kitchen tables, laptops out, discussing calendars and schedules, Matt asks, Why did you send me a speaking...
love when it hurts…

love when it hurts…

We don’t know much about Saint Valentine, but his legacy is pretty conflated. The guy was a rebel who went against Roman authority and raged against the proverbial machine. Basically, he raised an angry fist to authority and said, LOVE YOU! When Christian...

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