inspired by tozer…

inspired by tozer…

I felt like a scene from Julie & Julia. I was in the kitchen chopping onions and carrots and celery, and Matt was in the living combing through mail. He pulled out a large yellow envelope and said, Did you order a book from Regal? I put down the knife, grabbed my...
mercy, grace, and the chp…

mercy, grace, and the chp…

It’s a Yaris. Hertz Car Rentals gave me a Yaris. I felt like with my track record with speeding, a four-cylinder car would be in my best interest. I’ve been know on a few occasions—cough, cough— to speed on our local highways. It’s not my...
bikram, fainting, and releasing toxins…

bikram, fainting, and releasing toxins…

Back spasms and hypertension swayed and convinced me to heed the advice of my sister Alexandria to attend a local Bikram Yoga spot near her house.* I had heard all the benefits of therapeutic stretching, so thanks to my sister I attended my first class last Thursday....
on being a masterpiece…

on being a masterpiece…

We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared before hand so we might walk in them. Let’s break that down: We As in the individual as well as the corporate body of Christ. You, me, us, we. We are Are is the present plural...
worth dying for…

worth dying for…

She approached timidly as I exited the conference double doors. She wrung in her hands the notes she had taken during the sessions and thanked me for sharing truth unabashedly. I thanked her for the compliments, but knew there was something beneath the surface of...

friday vlog: an interview with Mark Driscoll…

A recent CNN article came out about men, boys, women, and shifting gender roles in society. It was a fascinating article discussing the educational, relational, and financial changes in the American landscape because of the proposed decline of men being… well,...

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