by bianca | Mar 22, 2012 | Speaking, Teaching, The A21 Campaign
Oh it’s that time of the year again! Yes, the time when amazing leaders, teachers, and entrepreneurs gather in sunny Southern California for three days of amazingness. I’ve blogged about Catalyst before, but I every year there’s new elements that...
by bianca | Mar 1, 2012 | Speaking, Teaching, The A21 Campaign
Did you know that according to global research fear of public speaking is ranked above death as the number one fear? Yes, people would rather DIE than get up in front of people and present information. In other words—if we’re being logical—if we were...
by bianca | Sep 2, 2011 | The A21 Campaign
Two hours into combing through catalogs and color matching, the small talk faded and we went to the next level of deep. Beyond the standard sales associate relationship, she had shared stories about our relationships and I shared with her the vision of my home decor....