online offline…

online offline…

Sometimes in divine, cosmic connections, I get to meet people I didn’t know existed prior to the Internet. These people are more than random faces staring at screens. They are real people who love and hurt and laugh and cry; who ache and grow and change; who...

vlog: is smoking a sin…

Who knew a tobacco wrapped in a small piece of white paper would cause such a controversy for the American church? Not too long ago I heard a pastor preach a sermon on the theological sin of smoking. Not smoking weed, but smoking anything, including cigarettes. It was...
on haute couture…

on haute couture…

In order to be irreplaceable, one must be different–Coco Chanel It called to me from the coffe table like a Siren at sea. It was as if I heard intoxicating songs about French fashion with a Parisian accent as I lifted up the most recent edition of the holy grain...
growing up in the wonder years, part 2…

growing up in the wonder years, part 2…

At 24 years old, I was unemployed with a degree from a reputable college, living with my parents, and utterly single. Cleaning offices, baby sitting, or working random editing jobs was how I made ends meet while stiff-arming Sallie Mae from collecting my college loan...

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