by bianca | Jun 1, 2012 | church, pop culture, Speaking, Teaching
Sometimes in divine, cosmic connections, I get to meet people I didn’t know existed prior to the Internet. These people are more than random faces staring at screens. They are real people who love and hurt and laugh and cry; who ache and grow and change; who...
by bianca | Apr 27, 2012 | church, culture, pop culture, Vlog
Who knew a tobacco wrapped in a small piece of white paper would cause such a controversy for the American church? Not too long ago I heard a pastor preach a sermon on the theological sin of smoking. Not smoking weed, but smoking anything, including cigarettes. It was...
by bianca | Apr 11, 2012 | church, pop culture
In order to be irreplaceable, one must be different–Coco Chanel It called to me from the coffe table like a Siren at sea. It was as if I heard intoxicating songs about French fashion with a Parisian accent as I lifted up the most recent edition of the holy grain...
by bianca | Apr 5, 2012 | culture, pop culture
At 24 years old, I was unemployed with a degree from a reputable college, living with my parents, and utterly single. Cleaning offices, baby sitting, or working random editing jobs was how I made ends meet while stiff-arming Sallie Mae from collecting my college loan...
by bianca | Apr 4, 2012 | culture, pop culture
It’s hard to be 23. I’m not a kid but I’m not considered an adult either. I’m most frustrated about the fact that I don’t feel like I’m the person that I should be. —Anonymous blog reader Bar Mitzvah. Sweet Sixteen....
by bianca | Jan 17, 2012 | culture, pop culture
After a year and a half of marriage Me: [alone in the closet past midnight reading the last book of the Hunger Games trilogy] I can’t believe it ended! I can’t believe it ended. I can’t believe it ended… [crying commences] Bianca: [crying in...