by bianca | Feb 6, 2014 | church, ministry, Speaking, Teaching
The past is a cyclical event. In my Church History 101 class, I remember the professor explaining that revivals preceded movements. The class—full of budding pastors and passionate church planters—was in awe and furiously took notes on what revival looked...
by bianca | Jan 28, 2014 | church, ministry, Speaking, Teaching
Relationships are like brussels spouts. They are good for you, but sometimes they stink. [F’real. This is some real talk, right here.] I’ve been married for 24 years [that’s dog years but whatever] and I’ve been dumb enough to make a gazillion...
by bianca | Jan 17, 2014 | church, encouragement, ministry
Throughout the gospels we see Jesus allegorize spiritual growth through mustard seeds, vineyards, gardens, and fields to harvest. Basically, horticulture was Jesus’ jam! I don’t know about you, but when I read those passages they are beautiful, but almost...
by bianca | Dec 9, 2013 | church, culture, ministry
Before anyone gets out a red letter and sows it to my chest, I would like to make a case, state the issue, and let the jury decide. [Maybe it’s my inner forensic nerd coming out, but my secret dreams of being the District Attorney for Law & Order SVU are...
by bianca | Nov 19, 2013 | ministry, personal, Speaking
It was Jesus who came to earth to serve. He even stated in the gospels that he who wants to be first must be a servant of all. (WordNerds can check out Mark 9:35. [Drops mic]) So why can’t I get it through my thick skull?! It’s like I need to run into a wall a million...
by bianca | Nov 18, 2013 | A21, church, ministry
Walking the streets of Thessaloniki is quite a treat. Bustling shoppers, street owners with loud voices are calling back and forth, in what would assume to be a regular city. But deeply seeped in the foundation of the city is history rich with truth. The apostle Paul...