by bianca | Jul 6, 2012 | church, ministry, Speaking, Teaching, Vlog
God: You need to change, Bianca. Me: [what I should have said] Yes, Lord! Anything for your glory. Your will is what I want and if change is what is going to refine and mature me, I will gladly do what you ask. [Then bust out in a lyrical dance of Carrie...
by bianca | Jul 4, 2012 | A21, church, ministry
Freedom is something I was brought up to value. To fight for. To believe in. As a daughter of an immigrant and first-generation American, we—still to this day—fly a star-spangled flag from our porch everyday and know the pledge of allegiance by heart. So...
by bianca | Jun 29, 2012 | church, ministry, personal, Speaking, Vlog
It’s Friiiiiiiday! You know what that means? It’s pay day! It’s the start of the weekend! It’s cheat day if you’re on a diet! It’s catch-up-on-sleep-you-missed-during-the-week day! But it also means it’s time for another...
by bianca | Jun 25, 2012 | church, culture, ministry, pop culture
Stone hedge, red hair, and a female Princess doing Brave things in a story told by Pixar? Sign me up! I’m an unabashed supporter of Pixar and all things Disney. If I’m being completely honest with you, part of the allure of marrying a man with kids is...
by bianca | Jun 4, 2012 | church, ministry, Speaking, Teaching
Joshua 14 accounts Caleb’s William Wallace-esque speech as the children of Israel take their Promise Land. It’s one of my favorite battle speeches and after reading it I want to bang my fist on my chest like an angry Irish warrior with blue face paint and...
by bianca | May 29, 2012 | culture, ministry
The power of the Internet has changed the game of how we live our lives. Think I’m being dramatic? Think again. With things like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and blogs, people have instant access to what they are interested in for free. Yes, for free. By...