forgiveness: let it go…

forgiveness: let it go…

Marriage is hilarious. Like a comical feat of painful lows and hilarious highs. I usually don’t talk about marriage because I’ve been married for what feels like five minutes. In Hollywood years, I’ve been married a century, but for most successful...
women in church…

women in church…

I don’t want to toot the horn for  women in the church, but… toot, toot! Women have been holding it down since the beginning of time and serving in significant roles through the Old Testament, New Testament, and Today’s Testament. We’re told in...
church, chicken, and cults…

church, chicken, and cults…

The dear, beloved John documented the words of Christ best: A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. Easy right? According to popular...
some thoughts on being called…

some thoughts on being called…

Sometimes doing what God calls us to do is overwhelming. Whether it’s going to college, changing baby diapers, remaining in law school, or standing behind a pulpit, there are moments when we ask ourselves, Am I really made for this? My knees knocked from nerves...

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