by bianca | Oct 9, 2012 | church, ministry
Friends, just when I think I’ve overcome the languid days of homeschool dorkdom, freeing myself from the stereotypes of maladjusted and socially awkward moments, I’m reminded that I will forever be socially awkward—except with boisterous laughter and...
by bianca | Oct 8, 2012 | church, ministry, Vlog
In an arena with 13,000 leaders, it’s easy to feel insecure, insignificant, or even inundated with where you are in life. Spending the last week in Atlanta for Catalyst was an amazing calibration for the how and why of ministry. But if you’re anyone who is...
by bianca | Sep 19, 2012 | church, ministry, personal
If God can make a man fall in love with a woman pulled from his rib, should it surprise us in 2012 that love can be found on XBOX? For Beth Robinson, a 13-year-old girl from Cyprus Hill, it’s how she met her 12-year-old boyfriend. [All the haters who thought me...
by bianca | Sep 11, 2012 | ministry, personal
She sat on her grey couch and casually asked, Will they like it? Do you think people will read it? She pulled in her legs and tucked them under her to sit on her knees like a child trying to seem taller around the dinner table. The little Greek Australian let out a...
by bianca | Sep 6, 2012 | church, ministry, Speaking, Teaching, Vlog
Oh bliss! Oh rapture! Oh joy! Guess who got her stitches out? 23 glorious knots of black synthetic polymer string was removed from my wrist and I’m bubbling over with joy! Though I’m a looooong way from recovery, the 20 minutes of doctor-approved computer...
by bianca | Aug 21, 2012 | ministry
I always thought melt-downs occur around middle age. [You know, like the 55 year-old balding male who decides to pierce his ear and buy a convertible.] But, as I’ve discovered, anyone can be unglued and melt-down. Prior to marriage I could spout off attributes...