by bianca | Nov 5, 2012 | church, ministry
You know you’re in Greece when you accidentally drop a glass cup on the floor and everyone yells Opa when it shatters. Which was exactly the case last night when I met up with some coworkers for dinner after a long flight into Thessaloniki, Greece. After 18...
by bianca | Nov 2, 2012 | church, culture, ministry, personal
A trademark characteristic of my generation is building. Building a name, a legacy, a platform, a voice. It’s a noble attribute and one that has opened many doors for those venturing on pathways unmarked and treaded upon. We laud Mark Zuckerberg and Tavi...
by bianca | Oct 29, 2012 | church, culture, ministry
Bruno Mars played in the background, cigarette smoke filled the air. The haze and blaring music was like a disguise masking the reason men entered dimly lit doorways into buildings with no windows. The reason is simple: Sex sells. We held hot pink gift bags with zebra...
by bianca | Oct 23, 2012 | church, ministry
From time to time I meet amazing people who have great questions about starting a ministry. I shuffle my feet and wring my hands because really, I can’t answer the question. It’s akin to asking a toddler how they trained for the Olympics. They—like...
by bianca | Oct 22, 2012 | church, ministry, Speaking, Teaching
I love to cook, but I’m admittedly not a chef. When we have guests and I’m preparing to whip up a meal, I undoubtedly will stress out and make a meal far outside of my skill set. But if my family comes over, I will default to what I know: quesadillas with...
by bianca | Oct 11, 2012 | church, culture, ministry, pop culture
On your bedroom wall, there is a 5×7 foot poster of the entire N*Sync crew. It’s framed. Justin Timberlake grins out from behind his blonde, curly man bang at you, seeming to say, “Hey girl. It’s been a while. You look different.” All manner of plush fluffy...