on hope and new beginnings…

on hope and new beginnings…

You know you’re in Greece when you accidentally drop a glass cup on the floor and everyone yells Opa when it shatters. Which was exactly the case last night when I met up with some coworkers for dinner after a long flight into Thessaloniki, Greece. After 18...
slipstream, building, and doing…

slipstream, building, and doing…

A trademark characteristic of my generation is building. Building a name, a legacy, a platform, a voice. It’s a noble attribute and one that has opened many doors for those venturing on pathways unmarked and treaded upon. We laud Mark Zuckerberg and Tavi...
jesus loves strippers too…

jesus loves strippers too…

Bruno Mars played in the background, cigarette smoke filled the air. The haze and blaring music was like a disguise masking the reason men entered dimly lit doorways into buildings with no windows. The reason is simple: Sex sells. We held hot pink gift bags with zebra...
podcast: starting a ministry…

podcast: starting a ministry…

From time to time I meet amazing people who have great questions about starting a ministry. I shuffle my feet and wring my hands because really, I can’t answer the question. It’s akin to asking a toddler how they trained for the Olympics. They—like...
with or without…

with or without…

I love to cook, but I’m admittedly not a chef. When we have guests and I’m preparing to whip up a meal, I undoubtedly will stress out and make a meal far outside of my skill set. But if my family comes over, I will default to what I know: quesadillas with...
moving back in as a 20something…

moving back in as a 20something…

On your bedroom wall, there is a 5×7 foot poster of the entire N*Sync crew. It’s framed. Justin Timberlake grins out from behind his blonde, curly man bang at you, seeming to say, “Hey girl. It’s been a while. You look different.” All manner of plush fluffy...

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