by bianca | May 12, 2013 | church, culture, ministry, personal
Dear Stepmoms, I see you. It’s Mother’s Day and I just want to let you know that I see you. I celebrate you alongside bio-moms, grand-moms, adopted-moms, and want-to-be-moms. Adopted parents—like stepparents—know the feeling of melding hearts...
by bianca | May 2, 2013 | church, culture, ministry, pop culture
Dear Beyoncé, This letter is probably the hardest letter I’ve ever had to write to you. Okay, it’s the only letter I’ve written to you, but hear me out. Since your days in Destiny’s Child, I’ve been your Bug-a-Boo and remained a Survivor....
by bianca | Apr 29, 2013 | church, ministry, personal, Speaking, Teaching
He would shout from the stands when no one else would. Screaming and coaching like he was the team manager. Play like the Germans, he would say, Good-en-Tight! His accent was thick and identifiable over any other fathers who politely cheered for their daughters on the...
by bianca | Apr 16, 2013 | culture, Giveaway, ministry
The door was heavy and the knob was stuck. No matter what how I pulled or prodded, yanked or turned, nothing moved. In my frustration, I kicked the door hoping to channel my inner Chuck Norris and free me from the vintage walk-in closet I was stuck in. Over and over I...
by bianca | Apr 3, 2013 | culture, ministry, personal, Speaking, Teaching
There’s nothing traditional about it. There was no bible, no worship team, no fog machine or lighting rigs. Just a taxi cab and an unknown man. Traveling for work means early-hour flights and late-night returns with the help of the occasional taxi transport. On...
by bianca | Mar 29, 2013 | church, ministry
A blood-stained cross brought freedom for the captive, sight to the blind, life to the dead. Peter denied Him, Judas betrayed Him, Simon of Cyrene helped Him, Mary wept over Him, the people crucified Him, but now we exalt him. On this day thousands of years ago, a...