100 words: putting things in order…

100 words: putting things in order…

It’s hard to love our enemies. It’s challenging to be kind to those who disagree with our message. And sometimes, because of our differences, we get the gospel in the wrong order. We reverse it. We make it faith, then grace. We wait for people to think...
on forgiveness…

on forgiveness…

A few thoughts on forgiveness… When Jesus died on the cross, he absorbed the sin of the world. It was injust, but he took it. Forgiving is kind of the same thing. In forgiving, you may wrestle with a sense of injustice—the sense of rewarding actions that...

100 words on memory…

Jason Bourne: Who has a safety deposit box full of… money and six passports and a gun? Who has a bank account number in their hip? I come in here, and the first thing I’m doing is I’m catching the sightlines and looking for an exit. Marie: I see the...
100 words on choice…

100 words on choice…

Americans are blessedly cursed with CHOICE. We are the land of unending choices, unlimited cereal options, and limitless things to like on facebook. Yes, the rest of the world has the ability to choose, but we’ve become spoiled with options as a right, not a...
100 words on peace…

100 words on peace…

We chase after peace like Alice chased the rabbit in Wonderland, grasping at the illusion of what others say we’re missing. Stop trying to chase peace. You already have it. Own it. Run with it. Believe it. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  ...
100 words on speaking truth…

100 words on speaking truth…

Speak the truth in love. This is easier said than done. Speaking the truth is hard and will inevitably cost you something. Friendships, opinions, sometimes even money. But in order for us to have what God wants us to have and be the people God has called us to be, we...

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