100 word wednesday: the value of time…

100 word wednesday: the value of time…

As we race through the our day at the speed of life, value time. Like James said, life is but a vapor. To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade. To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby. To...
100 word wednesday: wise words…

100 word wednesday: wise words…

Wisdom is hard to find. Truly. Just ask me. I’ve gotten the same ticket three times in row. On the same corner. By the same cop. So I’m not sure Job knew what he was talking about in Job 12:12 when he said, Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long...
100 words: the truest or most false self…

100 words: the truest or most false self…

If you take a look at history, some of the greatest characters have humbly failed. We should never strive to fail, but as imperfect, fractured beings, we are prone to falling short. It happens. David, Jonah, Peter, Paul, Sarah all faced some form of affliction. Their...
100 words: impossible…

100 words: impossible…

If God is real, then the word impossible must be removed for our vocabulary. Time and time again we see throughout the scope of scripture that “impossible” is where God begins. The impossible wall facing Joshua at Jericho, the impossible Red Sea keeping...
100 words: two options…

100 words: two options…

The two words that keep you living in FEAR: What if? What if I give tithe and I need the money? What if she breaks up with me? What if I’m alone? What if I loose control? The two words that keep you living by FAITH: What if? What if God’s promises are...
100 words: who are you…

100 words: who are you…

You are not your mistake. You are not your poor decision. You are not your dress size. You are not your failure. You are not your hidden sin. You are not your addiction. You are not your lust. You are not your anger. You are not your layoff notice. You are not your...

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