It’s almost the new year and I’m getting excited for greater things yet to come! So much has changed this year and I can’t to see how God will use us in 2012.

I don’t know what’s in store, but I do know that next year is already shaping up to be busy. I was solidifying my calendar  and wanted to share it here so perhaps we could connect at some point in the new year. If you’re around, I’d love to meet you!

  • March 5th-9th, Q Ideas, Washington DC, attendee
  • March 9th-11th, IJM Conference, Washington DC, with The A21 Campaign
  • April 18-20th, Catalyst West, Irvine, California, lab speaker, online host
  • July 16th-18th, CHIC 2012, Knoxville, Tennessee, keynote session
If you plan on being around for any of these events, let me know! We need to snap a picture together. 😉 If you know of a good place for me to come and visit to share and preach about Jesus or discuss The A21 Campaign, hit me up and we can get a date on the calendar!
Ministry together is better than doing ministry apart. We are stronger together than separate. Hey, 2012, bring it on!


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