Maybe I have obsessive compulsive disorder [read: I do have obsessive compulsive disorder], but I read multiple books at once. I look at it like a meal: some protein, some carbs, and some sugar [because really, Sugar Busters was the in diet of the 90s, but who besides Jillian Michaels eats like that?].

My current meal:

  • Protein: Rumors of God, Tyson and Whitehead. Brad Lomenick sent me this book and I love/hate him for it. I’d let you borrow it, but considering I highlighted and underlined personal notes of all my deficiencies on almost every page, you’ll have to get your own copy. There is nothing particularly new in content or luxurious in prose, but the layout is convicting and the narrative is honest, poignant, and real. Every chapter I finish I want to chuck the book at the wall and stick my fingers in my ears while screaming Lalalalalalalala, I can’t hear you God! [I have issues.]
  • Carbohydrates: Making Ideas Happen, Belsky. If you are creative and have a hard time executing vision, this book is made for you. Scott basically obliterates the Creatives excuse to lollygag and dream rather than execute and perform. Brilliant. If I was Siskel&Ebert, I’d give it two thumbs up. [RIP Ebert]
  • Sugar: Bossypants, Tina Fey. The book is a random collection of her personal stories that pretty much make me feel we could be friends. We would be friends… if I was funny, lived in New York, and worked for Saturday Night Live. It was too fast of a read. I finished it in about two days and wish it lasted for two weeks.

I’m 90% with my meat and potatoes reading list. Any suggestions? Furthermore, are you consuming a well-balanced reading diet?

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