beautiful mess: relationships…
Relationships are like brussels spouts. They are good for you, but sometimes they stink. [F’real. This is some real talk, right here.] I’ve been married for 24 years [that’s dog years but whatever] and I’ve been dumb enough to make a gazillion...
read moreseeds, fruits, and nuts…
Throughout the gospels we see Jesus allegorize spiritual growth through mustard seeds, vineyards, gardens, and fields to harvest. Basically, horticulture was Jesus’ jam! I don’t know about you, but when I read those passages they are beautiful, but almost...
read morerestless…
Like a skirt that is too tight. Like a jacket that’s too small. Like a tunnel with no end in sight. It’s like that. Restless to move. Sitting in the hot sun staring at the sky, I explained my frustration in the only visual I could muster up to describe...
read morebattle of the bulge [again]…
Who wrote down their new year’s resolutions? Don’t be shy now. Raise your hands. Now how many of you wrote down I want to lose weight as one of your goals? Friends, this is a safe place and you’re not alone [she said as she raised both hands]. I...
read morepop culture, the capital, and catching fire…
If you would’ve told me two years ago I would have become obsessed with archery, side ponytails, and men with the first name of Peeta, I would have laughed at you. But alas, I received the Hunger Games trilogy two Christmases ago and have since been a fan of...
read more100 word wednesday: the value of time…
As we race through the our day at the speed of life, value time. Like James said, life is but a vapor. To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade. To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby. To...
read morepublic displays of [church] affection…
Before anyone gets out a red letter and sows it to my chest, I would like to make a case, state the issue, and let the jury decide. [Maybe it’s my inner forensic nerd coming out, but my secret dreams of being the District Attorney for Law & Order SVU are...
read morewhat are you thankful for…
It’s cheesy. Totally cheesy. We go around the table and each state what we are thankful for. We laugh. We cry. We wash, rinse, repeat. It’s totally my family. We’ve done it for years and it’s a tradition I thought all Americans did on...
read more100 word wednesday: wise words…
Wisdom is hard to find. Truly. Just ask me. I’ve gotten the same ticket three times in row. On the same corner. By the same cop. So I’m not sure Job knew what he was talking about in Job 12:12 when he said, Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long...
read moreservant to all…
It was Jesus who came to earth to serve. He even stated in the gospels that he who wants to be first must be a servant of all. (WordNerds can check out Mark 9:35. [Drops mic]) So why can’t I get it through my thick skull?! It’s like I need to run into a wall a million...