
James 4:10 speaks of humbling yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up. Sometimes that comes from our own doing… and other times it comes without invitation. Take—for example—a couple weeks ago when I spoke at a conference. It was the closing...

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relationships and the IKEA effect…

relationships and the IKEA effect…

There’s something about building and creating with screws, nuts, and bolts we can’t put a language around. Whether it’s the assembly or adoration of our projects, IKEA has tapped into the psychology of labor creating a meaningful experience. A...

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pop culture, media, and Christianity…

pop culture, media, and Christianity…

Let’s get real, Internet. I watch the Super Bowl for two reasons: The halftime show. One word: Beyoncè. The commercials. One word: GoDaddy But for my husband, it’s way more. Like, waaaaaaay more. It’s a game! A battle! A fight! [Bless his heart.]...

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seated with giants…

seated with giants…

I vividly remember reading Jack and The Bean Stalk on my trundle bed with my dad when I was about eight years old. He would hold the book with his right hand hovering above our heads while I laid on his left arm like a pillow. He animated his voice and used baritone...

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jesus be the center…

jesus be the center…

Britney Spears. Demi Lovato. Amanda Bynes. Miley Cyrus. Lindsey Lohan. Each of these women are talented in their own right. God has created each of them with purpose and creative talent, much like He’s created each of us with purpose and creative talent. Eating...

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the game of comparison…

the game of comparison…

Comparison happens whether we admit it or not. Though the vile game of Comparison is not gender-specific, the players are predominantly women. Research shows that 88% of women feel less attractive and more inadequate after reading fashion and lifestyle magazines. One...

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seasons of life…

seasons of life…

There was a lull in the conversation and for a moment I didn’t know what to say. Sitting in my parked car, I held the phone near my ear and listened to her desire. The painfully honest admission of loneliness and singledom was all too raw and real and hard. Her...

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guest post: beyond ordinary…

guest post: beyond ordinary…

I make no qualms about my love for books. Reading for leisure, reading for work, reading for pleasure, reading for change. So you can imagine  my excitement when I received a pre-advanced book of Trisha and Justin Davis’ new book, Beyond Ordinary. I only review...

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sermon prep, guest posting, and partnership…

sermon prep, guest posting, and partnership…

Two and a half years of marriage is the litmus test of normalcy. No longer do we dispute about who left the toothpaste cap off the tube or the right way to hang toilet paper. Nope, now our conversations are mature, honest, and oh-so-real. We joke about how I...

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prayers solicited…

prayers solicited…

He is strong and brave and unflinching. You can imagine my apprehension in sharing this with friends on the other side of the computer whom I may not know. But my father—this very moment—is in surgery. We knew this day was coming but we tried everything to...

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I’m a writer and teacher in love with two men: Jesus and my husband, Matt. [You might not find this funny, but I laugh at myself, so it all balances out.]





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