
We had over 150 entries for the 31 Bits giveaway and today the random lucky winners are…

Colin Haas and Julie Merkel. 🙂 [If you’re wondering why a GUY entered the giveaway, it’s because he wanted it for his wife. So precious.]

For all of you who entered, thank you! If it makes you feel any better, I never win giveaways either. 🙁


Sometimes it feels like our heart is torn in different pieces. Being confused over a situation or cause or issue makes life difficult. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t answers. Together we can collaboratively come to a discussion place for resolve or peace or advice. I’m opening up any discussion or questions you may have for a Friday vlog. If you would like to discuss something, feel free to drop a question here anonymously or with a link back to where we can find you. Hopefully we come together and chat about life in a safe place.

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