the church is dead…

the church is dead…

The room was cramped and expectant. Faces full of girls who wanted to learn—really learn—that God had a plan for their life. It was my first time serving in youth ministry and I had been dragged there by the new youth pastor who just needed a warm body to...
on being average…

on being average…

Everything I wanted to escape as a child was mediocrity. Being average, laying on the medium, accounted as the center variable was the curse of all mankind. As years pass, I’m daily faced with the reality that I am the average. I am the medium variable. I am...
when it’s okay not to be okay…

when it’s okay not to be okay…

In the 2011 wrap-up, I’m realizing I’ve had many moments where melting down felt like my only option. I’ve also discovered I’m not alone. Charlie Sheen, Khloe Kardashian, Lindsey Lohan all melted down in 2011. In no way shape or form do I want...
rewind: language decoder…

rewind: language decoder…

In documenting 2011, there are a few post that have been emblemic of the year. This was probably the most iconic for displaying marital communication in the first year of wedded union. 😉 Enjoy the tips provided by yours truly. Cheers! ********* In The Name of Love has...
rewind: fear…

rewind: fear…

As most of us are in a food coma from ham, stuffing, egg nog, and cookies, I want to gear up before the new year and reflect on the journey. This week is dedicated to revisiting posts that I feel best reflect 2011. Though the content is the same, the sentiment of fear...

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