moving back in as a 20something…

moving back in as a 20something…

On your bedroom wall, there is a 5×7 foot poster of the entire N*Sync crew. It’s framed. Justin Timberlake grins out from behind his blonde, curly man bang at you, seeming to say, “Hey girl. It’s been a while. You look different.” All manner of plush fluffy...

the power of introverts…

Friends, just when I think I’ve overcome the languid days of homeschool dorkdom, freeing myself from the stereotypes of maladjusted and socially awkward moments, I’m reminded that I will forever be socially awkward—except with boisterous laughter and...

be who you are when dancing with Comparison…

In an arena with 13,000 leaders, it’s easy to feel insecure, insignificant, or even inundated with where you are in life. Spending the last week in Atlanta for Catalyst was an amazing calibration for the how and why of ministry. But if you’re anyone who is...
parenting… kind of…

parenting… kind of…

Me: [rushing into the bedroom] Matt, we have a serious problem! Did you know Parker doesn’t think the bible is true? Matt: What are you talking about? Me: I was reading devotions with Parker and at the end he said, That’s not true, B. When I asked him what...
east to the west…

east to the west…

He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. —Psalm 103:12 This verse has taken a whole new meaning to me. Since my wrist slashing debacle, I have been forced to wrestle with some issues that I conveniently stuff into the junk drawers of...

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