don’t sell yourself…

don’t sell yourself…

Raise your hand if you love chips and guacamole. [Raises both hands] If you don’t like Mexican food, I’m not sure we can be friends. I kid, I kid. [Half kidding] But f’real, I am a lover of gastronomical experiments and adventures, so while I was in...
quotes and wisdom from joyce meyer…

quotes and wisdom from joyce meyer…

On rare occasion there is a historical figure that has the anointing to do things no one else can do. In words and actions and deeds, their life is a testament to the power of God to transform lives. Their personal life is a tangible expression of the healing power of...
if gathering: we will run…

if gathering: we will run…

After the lights turned off and the auditorium cleared out, the leadership of the IF:Gathering sat around a table and broke bread together. We celebrated the birth of our gathering, mourned the pain and sacrifice it cost, and spoke about the future. Through laughter...
if:gathering, the few, and you…

if:gathering, the few, and you…

The past is a cyclical event. In my Church History 101 class, I remember the professor explaining that revivals preceded movements. The class—full of budding pastors and passionate church planters—was in awe and furiously took notes on what revival looked...
beautiful mess: relationships…

beautiful mess: relationships…

Relationships are like brussels spouts. They are good for you, but sometimes they stink. [F’real. This is some real talk, right here.] I’ve been married for 24 years [that’s dog years but whatever] and I’ve been dumb enough to make a gazillion...

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