God delights in using ordinary Christians who come to the end of themselves and choose to trust in his extraordinary provision. He stands ready to allocate his power to all who are radically dependent on him and radically devoted to making much of him. —David Platt, Radical

Last week was nothing short of manic. I came to the end of myself and chose to trust—oh, you know—the Creator of All to complete the work. Trusting God sounds easy now that its over. Friends invited loved ones, salvation was shared with many, and we celebrated triumphantly the resurrection of Christ.

But now that the stage is tore down, the lighting is put away, and everyone has gone home, what now? Do I go back to controlling my life and putting everything into neatly labeled boxes?

Last week I came to the end of myself and learned something amazing. At the end of myself is the benevolence of God.

What if we let go of trusting in credit cards and loans? What if we let go of chasing the illusive American dream of bigger, better, more? What if God in all his might is simply waiting to show his power in a people who turn their backs on a philosophy of life that exalts their supposed ability to do anything they want and instead confess their desperate need for him?

And what if God in all his grace is radically committed to showing himself strong on behalf of a people who express their need for him so their lives might make much of him?

All of this chortle could be delirium induced by exhaustion, but right now—in this moment—I want to make much of God. I want to trust that he is who he says he is and will provide, protect, and pursue because that is what he’s done so far. 🙂

Today I’m Portland bound. Yes, the land of flannel, North Face, and the Bounty man. Matt and I will be attending the Q Conference for a couple days and I’m so excited to share with you all the things I will learn from the amazing thinkers who will be sharing. Before I leave I wanted to thank those who prayed for me and send love last week. I appreciate it greatly!!!

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