I have a friend. She is tall, thin, and incredibly alluring. Quiet and unassuming, she’s able to whisper things to me in her soft, calming voice. No one can speak to me like she can, move me like she can, push me like she can. Through the years I’ve tried separating myself from her, but she convinces me I need her.

Her name is Control. 

The promises of perfection, both dangerous and desirable, kept me near her in the pursuit of life. But I need to let her go. Again. Like a every bad relationship, we are breaking up because we are broken. No, I’m broken. I’ve held on to her hand more than I’ve reached out for my Creator’s hand, and though intangible, her hand feels more real.

In pursuing what I’m created to do, I want need to let go of Control’s hand.

I’m scared and unsure and alone, but Control can’t rule my life. She can’t make empty promises if I don’t empower her by believing them. So I’m letting go. I’m letting her go. And I’m so afraid I won’t be able to live without her. Her companionship has staved off fear, abandonment, and loneliness. But to pursue trust, hope, and faith, she can’t be near me—her voice can’t be heard.

The dissolve of our relationship comes on the heels of a conversation I had with my friend, Jennie. Jennie penned her journey into her newest book, Anything, where she asked readers the perennial question, What is your anything? What is the one thing you most fear giving to God?

I don’t have one issue or road block or stronghold more than I have one tangled relationship with my friend Control. Through the pages of Jennie’s journal, I discovered the one thing I fear giving to God: Control. If hunger ensued, loneliness crept in, fear overtook me, she was there to put her arm around me and assure me the tighter I held on to life, the more things would go my way.

That is my anything. That is what I’m letting go… trying to let go.

We all have our something. A relationship. A dream. A child. Something we don’t want to give up in order to live the life God has called us to. What is your anything? 

I asked Jennie if I could share her words with you, my imaginary Internet friends, and she agreed. Today we will be giving away her book to a few random commenters who share their anything. You won’t be alone. There are many who are documenting their anything every day, right here. Join in. Share your anything.

What is your anything? Write it out here and you will be entered to win Jennie’s book and have it sent straight to your home! 🙂 I’m not doing this because I’m getting anything. I’m doing this because of what I received from reading the book. I hope you enjoy it!

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