Dear David,

Today you will receive the results of your long awaited MRI to determine whether or not the tumor inside your brain has shrunk. This day is meaningful on so many levels simply because you have another day to kiss Amy, laugh aloud, create beauty, and love life. Yes, the simple things in life I take for granted.
As you stood in our church sanctuary to share your story last week, I sobbed. Cathartic healing occurred in drops of tears and labored breathing while you spoke Truth to nameless faces who fell in love with you, your story, and your belief that God is truly the author and finisher of our faith. Past the tapered denim, impeccable diction, and fierce determination is a man who has a faith larger than Goliath, a trust greater than Noah’s, and a promise larger than Abraham’s. You are the lover of God who I aspire to be.
My prayers do not end at noon when the doctors determine your fate. My prayers continue to forge past results, hypothesis, chemotherapy, natural medicine, and homeopathic remedies because I’m calling out to Jehovah Rapha who can heal all, my friend. To Him who can do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ever think or imagine, I lift you up to our God who stands above and claims that He is proud to be your God (Hebrews 11:16).

I believe in miracles,

For more on David’s battle, check out his blog.
For the vodcast of the talk he gave at my home church, click here and chose a one-time subscription.

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