Brevity is best.  –Susanne Wilder

I intentionally keep blog posts under 350 words. Life is too short to sit and read a daily dissertation. Furthermore, Dr. Wilder always encouraged her students to keep things simple. “Brevity is best,” she’d say when assignments were due.

Though brevity may be best, it’s not perfect. Yesterday’s blog post is case in point.

To clarify my point, I’ll post bullet-points:

  • Anyone should be welcomed into church. Anyone.
  • I don’t believe in dress codes for church.
  • I want to dialog about our intent and concern of offering our best to the Lord.
  • I don’t walk the halls of church like Mr. Clean passing out demerits to people who have untied shoes laces.

At my church, I’ve personally seen meth-heads, hypes, and drunkards walk through the doors. I’ve personally invited and welcomed homeless people from the community into our church. I’ve been the first one to speak about the inner man versus the outer man. I’ve preached against ostentatious clothing. I’ve worked in student ministry and sported jeans and t-shirts on Sunday mornings to youth group.

So please believe me when I say I’m not advocating gold bracelets, braided hair, and costly apparel like Paul warns against. Nor am I doling out favoritism to the well-dressed like James laments.

The discussion was to introspectively address how we are approaching corporate worship. Somehow it slightly turned into a Come-Just-As-You-Are rally. Internet, if it wasn’t for come-just-as-you-are, none of us would attend church. F’real.

The discussion was for the Sunday morning worshiper who apathetically and lackadaisically rolls into church. Perhaps I needed Matt to hand me a muzzle, but like I said, I don’t have a filter. Taking large concepts and trying to break them down in 300 words is dangerous. Mi desculpe!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m on my way to church wearing sackcloth and ashes. Just kidding. But I will be sportin’ jeans and a t-shirt. You know, just to show I can come just as I am 😉

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