The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.
He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
—Psalm 18:2

The idea of God being an inanimate object has never settled well in my mind. It seems odd. Bread of Life, Living Water, I get it. But a rock? Eh, kind of a weak metaphor, King David. At least that’s what I thought up until recently.

The characteristics of a rock [immovable, steadfast, strong] were words I associated with characters from bible stories or fairy tales or castles from far away lands. But lately the theme of ROCK has crossed my path at every intersection of life. Through songs of worship in church. In my daily readings. In studies I’ve prepared or in retreats I’ve taught at. The ROCK is every where.

[And no, SingleLadies, I’m not talking about Dwayne Johnson known at the Rock, I’m talking about the ROCK as referenced by poet, king, leader, and old school worshipper, David, son of Jesse, shepherd, and giant slayer.]

I’m documenting this as a mile marker on the road of life. Something to erect as a reminder to look back upon and know deep within my soul that God is my ROCK. He is our ROCK.

I don’t want to seem foreboding, but I feel something looming in the distance. Like a seaman on still waters knowing a storm is coming. Like a canine senses platonic shift. Like someone with a healed broken bone can feel when it’s going to rain. That’s what I feel.

I share this word with you because God’s word is not just for one person. No friends, this word is for many of us. GOD IS OUR ROCK…

when the rains fall and we feel like we’re drowning… He is our rock
when we lose our way and need a reference point… He is our rock
when the heat of life beats on our back, we can stand in it’s shadow… He is our rock
when the winds blow and push us far away, we can hold on… He is our rock
when enemies attack and we are surrounded… He is our rock
when we lose our house, our name, our fame… He is our rock
when we lose our grip on life and feel like we can’t go on… He is our rock.

As the scriptures say, “I’m placing this rock [cornerstone] in Jerusalem, chosen for great honor, and anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced [1 Peter 2:6].” Sometimes God gives us signs of things to come. In those moments, hold on to what we know… hold on to the ROCK.

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