You know when people send you postcards from far away places and write things like, Wish you were here? Well on Tuesday night, I seriously prayed for everyone watching online and those across borders and sincerely said to myself, I WISH YOU WERE HERE. Because when we all get together and worship and pray together, there’s something crazy that happens… we are changed.

Okay, okay, not like our bank accounts increase or our relationships are healed, but more of a quiet storm of change that effects our view of life. Tuesday night was tough for me because at the core of Isaiah 58 I felt like it was written for so many of us in the church. I hope I wasn’t the only one Isaiah spoke to. In fact, I’m attaching the video so God’s word can pierce us to our core. Once pierced, I pray we take action to becoming the people God wants us to be.

Marked by love,

*PS: Don’t forget to do you homework! If you’re watching online, you still are responsible for it. For crying out loud, I even gave it to you for FREE. Now you have to do it! 😉

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Bianca Olthoff