Hey, hey Boo! It’s Monday and what better way to start off the week than with the following reminders:

  • Genie pants don’t look good on women with curves. [Learn from my mistakes]
  • Men should never, ever belch out a bible verse. [I’m sure that’s against the Ten Commandments or something.]
  • Your job should be a calling, not a career. [Easy to say, hard to do.]
I’ve had the unique honor of getting to ask Christine Caine some questions inquiring minds want to know. Though the question was specific to her role as a teacher and preacher, I feel it applies to many of us who struggle with walking the diving line between calling and career.
She flipped the script on me and turned the interview back on me half with through. But together we landed on a fresh reminder that God’s purpose for our life is to build an isolated kingdom or platform. Our purpose is the build a kingdom of Jesus Christ… even if that means dying to our selves in the process.
To listen to the full podcast, click here!
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to state your mind. Until then, happy Monday.
Honey Booboo Child 😉

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