Imparting Vision to Gen Y from Bianca Juarez on Vimeo.
J. Vernon McGee says, You should never stand behind the pulpit without being able to say, “Thus sayeth the Lord.” I wish I would have heard this quote before I responded capriciously during a recent interview.
Reason #829,827,410 why you should pray before you sit down and open your mouth.
If I am going to say anything, if I’m going to impart knowledge to anyone, if I am going to steal someones time, it should be under the auspice of giving away God’s goodness. In an era of entertainment and diversion, how do we impart a vision and hope to our next generation that they are not forgotten.
We need to take ordinary and mobilize them to do extraordinary things because of an extraordinary God.
My words to the next generation are not to read a book or follow 10-steps, but rather look at my generation and the generations before and do what we COULD NOT DO. For the mistakes we’ve made or the foundation we laid, do your part.
For those in my generation or the generation before, what are we doing to live our and create a legacy? We only have on life to live and soon it will be passed. Only what we do for Christ Jesus will last.
What can we do? What are you doing? Do not fret. We are ordinary people serving an extraordinary God.