Separating personal from public is challenging. My worlds collide constantly and the need to share my concerns crosses over the line.

During my mother’s bout with cancer, doubt and bitterness overthrew believe and joy in a battle of strength. Seeing a loved one suffer is painfully difficult.

Now another loved one is dealing with cancer. I don’t want to abuse social media, but I want to share her story. I want others to know her. I want people to see the face of a young girl who is staring disease in the face. I want friends to pray for her.

Cancer is affecting the bravest, the weakest, the faithful, the doubtful. When doctors give no hope, when chemo seems pointless, when radiation doesn’t eradicate, what can we do? We CAN pray! It’s the only thing we can do sometimes.

Gracie is a family friend and a member of our church youth group. From the womb I’ve seen her grow into the young woman she is today and I ask that you please pray for her. Pray for finances. Pray for wisdom. Pray for a miracle.

If you have loved ones battling with cancer, please feel free to list their names here so I can also pray for them. Here is a video put together by one of our churches amazing youth leaders. His labor of love tells her story, but not the ending. Please pray for an ending that will glorify our Lord.

“CAN The Cancer” from Raul Manzo on Vimeo.

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