I remember my college Economics professor explaining TINSTAAFL. Tinstalffel [as pronounced by Dr. Wing] represented the basic economical principle that nothing in life is free. According to Dr. Wing, There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch [tistaafl].

Well, I don’t want to rock the economic world, but guess what? I believe in giving away things for free. So welcome back to week two of our tour de James! If you missed week one you can catch up here or if you need to download the homework and study guide, it’s is also available [James Study Guide].

Enjoy your free lunch courtesy of Dr. Wing! 🙂


Week 2:

James lays the smack down! There is no room for ambiguity—favoritism is a sin. It’s based on prejudice, judging others by false standards. Prejudice and favoritism flourish when we stop looking at people the way God looks at them.

This also means that we have stopped seeing ourselves as God sees us. We need to ask God to help us identify our prejudices and recognize situations in which we tend to show favoritism. Then we need to actively resist these tendencies, asking others to keep us accountable.

As much as I loved this book, I hope you do too! Thanks for joining along the journey.

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