Interrupting a private conversation. Bad comedic timing. Tripping as you enter a room. It’s those moments when you say to yourself, THIS is why I’m not cool! Even though I may have not been cool as a kid growing up, I try really hard to hide my inner socially awkward nerd. But the same way I couldn’t run from cake as an obese kid, I can’t run away from the truth of who I am.

Take, for example, the dinner gathering where I inappropriately groped a prolific bible teacher. Leave it to me to turn a casual greeting into an awkward hug where I accidentally fondle the chest of—wait, get this—PRISCILLA SHIRER. Hand to heaven, I wanted to grab the basket of bread and hide under the table until kingdom come!

[This goes down in the books reason #28,961 as to why you can’t take me out in public.]

I learned more about Priscilla in 30 seconds than I knew possible. She’s funny. She’s gracious. She’s kind. I think she told me something witty, but I lost my ability to hear when I stopped breathing out of embarrassment.

It’s funny how you can learn so much from simply watching a person. Studies, lectures, and workbooks may teach you theory, but watching it lived out is praxis.

My friendoss,* Christine, had an amazing vision to gather strong, influential, dedicated ministry leaders around a table to learn from the life of Joyce Meyer. As Joyce has paved a way within Christendom, Christine has followed in suit and wanted to create a pathway of engagement to learn from a spiritual giant.

It’s not everyday you can sit under the tutelage of a legend. But yesterday some amazing women had the privilege and honor of spending six hours with a woman who has pioneered uncharted territory, preached the gospel unabashedly for over 40 years, and humbly admits that her ultimate goal in life is just to help people. And help people she has!

Each year Joyce Meyer Ministries donates millions of dollars to those in need, gives thousands of books and resources away, and spreads the gospel through various forms of media. Her ultimate goal is to help people and after watching her share her life experiences, I can safely say she is living out her mission.

Jesus says that as freely as you have been given, freely you give. So I want to pass along a few nuggets of wisdom that I found amazing and hope you do to!


  • Fail forward.
  • You never fail unless you give up.
  • You can’t hear from God without making mistakes
  • You can’t learn from the Spirit without making mistakes
  • God is committed to working through us in all situations.
  • Forget the word failure. You only fail is you don’t try.


  • Grace is not only his favor, but it’s the power to live the Christian life.
  • Be careful not to worship doctrine. Seek the power of the Holy Spirit without caring what anyone else think. Be a “spiritual hog”! 😉
  • Ask for everything the Lord wants to give you. We need more teaching on spirit-filled, spirit-fed living.
  • You can have charisma without character and that’s not pleasing to God.
  • Don’t say what you want to say. Say what you need to say.
  • Know the word, not just about it. Know the spirit, not just about the Spirit.
  • The more pulpit you have, the less of yourself you can put in there.


The only way to fight greed is to be generous.
Don’t compromise on who you are. Honor the anointing upon your life.
Don’t talk about victories without talking what it took to get there. Share your pain in a right way.
Take responsibility for your own joy. It’s not my husband’s job to give me joy.


I had the privilege of being a fly on the wall and I hope you did too. May we hold on and share these spiritual truths with those in our life, believing that God wants the best for our lives.

Until then, I will try not to inadvertently grope anyone and boldly walk in confidence knowing that failure is not final. [Thanks, Joyce!]

*Friendoss: Friend and boss

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