Two and a half years of marriage is the litmus test of normalcy. No longer do we dispute about who left the toothpaste cap off the tube or the right way to hang toilet paper. Nope, now our conversations are mature, honest, and oh-so-real.

We joke about how I successfully convinced him I was a OCD neat-freak only to discover that I’m obsessive compulsive about everything but being neat. Or how he duped me into believing playing video games was a way to sharpen his strategy and analytics of team-building. [Insert eye roll here.]

So you can imagine what sermon prep looks like in our household. We are both passionate about the communication of God’s word so we basically have to live out what we preach—intentionally or unintentionally.

The time he taught on women and biblical submission, I was the Mother Theresa of Womanhood. There was no way I was going to be thrown under the bus as the unruly wife. Everything from Would you like me to iron your shirts to I love our new budget rolled from my lips with such sincerity, you would’ve believed I actually meant it. 😉

But this past weekend Matt spoke on listeni—oh wait, I have to go upstairs—I mean, listening. I might absolutely need to be reminded of the art of listening from time to time, so this was a treat. The words, simple yet profound, convicted me that I’m not listening the way I should.

Matt has great stuff to share—I was reminded of this on Sunday—so I’ve asked him to guest post for me on whatever his little heart desired. He’ll be joining in and dropping knowledge like Kanye drops lyrics: smooth, profound, and pregnant with meaning. [Speaking of pregnant, how do we feel about Kim and Kanye being with child?! Weird.] Again, this is our litmus test for normalcy. Bless our hearts.

Stay tuned!

Side note: For those who prayed for my dad last week, I’m forever indebted for your kindness. I read every single comment and was overwhelmed by your words. I was able to visit him in the hospital and though he’s in pain, he’s on the road to recovery. 🙂


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