Readers are leaders. At least that’s what my daddy always told me. Since I couldn’t read until I was eleven, he read aloud to me every night to ensure I would be a leader destined for greatness. I can earnestly say that being nominated class president for two years and student body president my senior year was attributed to the labor of nightly love my dad cultivated within me over chapters of The Boxcar Children and Nancy Drew.

As an adult who loves reality television and trashy tabloid magazines, reading is harder to do without a cuddle partner and animated narrator. But his words are engrained on the forefront of my mind and reading is part of my daily activities much like eating a balanced meal.

In honor of well-balanced reading, here’s a list of what’s currently on my night stand:

  • Protein: Patrick Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. I had the opportunity to interview Patrick at Catalyst two weeks ago and I was so inspired my his passion for organization health, I downloaded his book. I’m not one for stuffy leadership guidelines and protocol, so Patrick’s five-point litmus test was perfect for me. You can check out the interview here. I’m almost done with the book and I’ve basically realized—to no surprise—I’m dysfunctional. Good thing I have his book to help me!
  • Veggies: Breaking Free by Beth Moore is a 12-week bible study that is basically kicking my butt, shaking me silly, and slapping some sense into me. I’ve never done a more comprehensive bible study on strongholds, addiction, and freedom than her discourse through the book of Isaiah. Oh me, oh my, this is some serious stuff. Siskel, Ebert, and Bianca give it three thumbs up! 😉
  • Carbs: In The Chemistry Between Us: Love, Sex, and the Science of Attraction neuroscientist Larry Young and journalist Brian Alexander identify the neuroscience that drives the mysterious behaviors associated with affection. I’ve labeled this as my intake of carbs because carbs turn into sugar and sugar feels like love. And ice cream. I think I might do a full book review when I’m done. It’s wildly fascinating. Note: this isn’t a Christian book. *Gasp!*

So there you have it, leaders! I’m always open for suggestions for life-changing books, so please let me know what you’re reading and why I should too. 😉

As a side note: Catalyst featured an article I wrote about Why Women Don’t Like Women’s Ministry. Feel free to mosey on over and read it for yourself.

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