He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. —Psalm 103:12

This verse has taken a whole new meaning to me. Since my wrist slashing debacle, I have been forced to wrestle with some issues that I conveniently stuff into the junk drawers of my mind. Oh don’t act like you don’t do it either! We all have things we put away in a mental pile to be dealt with the day after never. The problem with laying in bed for 17 days is that you can’t do anything butΒ think. It was the spring cleaning of my mind… in summer.

If you know anything about me, you know that I’m fiercely competitive and driven by achievement. [Did I tell you the time I made one my student ministry boys walk on a broken ankle so we could continue on in a kickball tournament? Yeah, not my shining moment, people.] Though great skills within the leadership arena, those twin values could also be my greatest enemies.

David refers to his sins being removed from one spacial dimension to the complete opposite: east to the west. Mulling over this concept [again, I was in bed for 17 days] caused me to parallel David’s realization to my value and my identity. What does a girl who finds her identity in scratching things off her to-do list do when she can’t even hold a pen?

  • Bang her head on a pillow [just for dramatics]
  • Cry
  • Lay in a state of comatose
  • Finally, realize achievement, success, and completion have nothing to do with my identity

This sounds all tidy and boxed away, but I’m documenting this as my current reality. I am a child of God. That’s it. And that title, label, and identity is more than enough. [I want to simultaneously slap myself for saying this and hug myself for this freedom. Carry on.] My completion of tasks, professional achievement, my home runs on the kickball field [yes, we did win that tournament] are as far from my identity as the east is from the west. I could fail at my job, stumble gloriously as a stepmom, and miss a deadline but it bears no weight on how I am viewed by God.

If you think this is license to go buck-wild and be a lethargic vat of lard, you’re trippin’. I’ve simply come to the conclusion that my value and identity is not in merit, achievement, or success, but in the wounded hands of my Savior… who thankfully can hold a pen, unlike me in my schnazzy wrist brace.

We can say our identity is in Him. We can sing about our value as He sees us. We can quote scripture. But can we really believe it when there is nothing else for us to hide behind? Friends, as far as east is from the west, know who you are is not what you do.Β 

Speaking of east to west, if you’re on either coast, I’d love to hang out! Tonight I’ll be at Mission Viejo in southern California at Mount of Olives Church for a women’s event. I’d love to see your face and meet you if I can! If you’re on the east coast, I’ll be in Atlanta for an intimate event of worship with Carlos Whittaker and a word from yours truly on October 6th. Click on the links for more info and let me know if you’ll be coming through. πŸ™‚

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