Occasionally I will get emails from Internet friends who ask some really great questions. Instead of stockpiling them up in my email folders like a crazy lady from Hoarders, I will share them here on the blog so we can all join in the fun, add to the discussion, and grow as individuals who are passionate about changing their corner of the world.

Today’s question is asked by Jenny from Montauk, New York. [Sidebar: Jenny, I’ve always wanted to visit Montauk and wear a big hat with mysterious glasses! Expect me and Matt to show up at your door sometime this summer ๐Ÿ˜‰ Yes, we will gladly sleep on the couch!]

Jenny: How do you develop your gifts? I feel like God has gifted me in several areas, but I’m not sure which one to pursue fully, but I want to develop what I have.

Great question, Jenny! I have lots of gifts too, like sleeping, blinking, and breathing. I’m SO talented in those areas that I could possibly win an Olympic gold medal. Yes, I can hear our national anthem playing even now… But I digress. Developing gifts is something I passionately love to share with others. Not because I’m necessarily a pro at development structures but because I really love seeing people find their purpose in God.

This list is not remotely comprehensive, but I had to give four quick tips, these would make my list:

  1. Focus on the strengths God gave you. Concentrating on your strengths will help you fulfill the calling God has put on your life.
    Sometimes it’s easier to focus on what we don’t have, what we aren’t good at, what we want to do, rather than realizing how God created us. I could never in a million years train hard enough to be a Olympic high jumper. I’m a 5’2” MexiRican, for crying out loud?! But I know that God’s made me a 5’2” with hips for a reason.
  2. Exercise your gift. Find something you like to do and that you do well, and do it over and over again. Want to know what will happen? You will feel better about yourself because you won’t be constantly failing.
  3. Have the courage to be different. Unhappiness comes when you try to be like everyone else rather than embracing the unique person that you are.
    In the words of my brilliant father, Be who you is! Just be who you is. Why try to be someone else? That’s already been done! Just own who you are and use the gifts God has given you to be uniquely you.
  4. Learn to cope with criticism. Have enough confidence in who you are in Christ that you can listen to others and be open to change without feeling you have to agree with their viewpoint or attain their approval.
    [At this point my friends and family are rolling their eyes because I loatheย criticism. I may not employ all these tips with excellence, but I can at least admit they are valuable ;)]

As a reminder for us all, God has planted greatness in each one of us. Let today be the beginning of a great adventure as you step into the gifts He’s given you.

Hope this helps, Jenny! Thanks for your love and support. If anyone has any thing to add to that list, feel free to chime in. If you have any Q&A questions or vlog suggestions, feel free to drop a note as well.

Happy Friday, friends!

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