Being a chick is dramatic. Or maybe I’m just dramatic. [No one answer that.] But I let all the little voices in my head sometimes get the best of me and honestly, I want it stop.

I’m in Knoxville, Tennessee for the CHIC conference and there are thousands of students here excitedly celebrating life, liberty, and the pursuit of Jesus. I get to be one small voice among a retinue of leaders who get to speak truth into their lives. What an honor! What a privilege! What a scary thought!

I woke up this morning with the feeling that I—quite possibly—could fail. In the theater of my mind I will trip up the stairs to the platform then fall off the side of the stage. And die. From embarrassment. [Ok, so maybe I’m a little bit dramatic.] Or worse, I will fall short of conveying the beauty, glory, and awesomeness that is Christ.

Lies birthed from insecurity will cripple us from running the race Christ has set before us. I know this. Therefore I’m choosing to hold onto the Truth as stated in God’s word:

  • We are anointed
  • He has a plan for our lives
  • In our weakness, He is strong
  • In our failures, He is still unchanged
  • In the midst of ashes, He can make something beautiful*

I know I’m not alone in my fear of failure and many others struggle with believing that God wants the best and will do the best with our lives. So it’s you that I’m speaking to. Today I want to commit that we pray hard and strong to believe God can, will, and does have the best for our lives.

I’m not as much afraid of falling as I am of falling short of dispensing the awesome, majestic, life-changing power of the gospel. Please, please, pretty please, can you join me in praying for the students who will be in the arena tonight?

Thank you for being part of my growing journey. I’m a hot mess, but I know there are others out there who can raise up a hand and say, I’m a hot mess too, but I am standing with you believing God can take a holy hot mess and turn it into a message!Β To all the hot messes in the house, I say THANK YOU!

Thanks to photographer Daley Hake for this image from opening night!

*Don’t believe me? Check out: 1 John 2:20, Jeremiah 29:11, 1 Corinthians 12:9, and Isaiah 61:3

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