I sat on a blue, velvet recliner and listened to my best friend articulately describe the pain she was feeling. Her dreams—in her words—were in a million tiny pieces.

She leapt through the air in front of thousands of people at the Olympic trials and landed in the sand just short of making the Olympic long jump team. That evening, surrounded by her friends, she grieved a loss.

During our conversation on the blue velvet recliner,  I received word that a dear loved passed away. I stepped out of the room to take the phone call that decimated the remaining joy I had. At the same time Brianna jumped her last jump in Eugene, Oregon, my dear friend breathed his last breath in California.

In one moment, death overcame two people.

I steadied myself against a bookshelf when I heard the news and I began to cry. Immediately I began to pray; not because I was holy but because I had no ability to do consciously do anything else.

I laid in bed that evening with my hand covering my eyes in hopes that the darkness would cause my brain to shut off. In the stillness of the night, in the coolness of my room, I began think of all the scriptures I possibly could and then something happened—a switch if you will.

In the loss, in the death, in the million tiny pieces, I saw hope. Hope of a new beginning, of a new future, of life beyond, of the promises of His word, and hope that in death there is new life.

In the tiny million pieces of our life, I have hope and firm believe that God can, will, and does put our lives back together when we feel most broken. As Bri held the tiny million pieces of her dreams in her hand, I saw the beginning of something new.

The most dedicated and resilient girl I know held new in her hands. From death comes life. From loss comes hope. From broken comes beautiful. From letting go comes embracing.

This too shall pass. It has to. It always does. But when it passes something new will form. Until then, embrace the beautiful brokenness and hold onto joy even when there is loss.

For Brianna and Petey, new is where the journey begins.

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