The power of the Internet has changed the game of how we live our lives. Think I’m being dramatic? Think again.

With things like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and blogs, people have instant access to what they are interested in for free. Yes, for free. By disarming conglomerates who own purchasing power, we’ve empowered a generation to be culture shapers dedicated to sharing.

Looking for an inspirational devotional written by a farmer’s wife in the middle of the backlands? There’s a blog for that. Looking for a place to download coupons for baby products? There’s a Facebook fan page for that. Looking for instant updates on your sport’s team daily activities? There’s a Twitter account for that. Looking for a at-home workout from the comfort of your living room? There’s a YouTube clip for that.

I am determined to maintain my workout routine no matter what is on my plate. In laying out my day I realized I didn’t have time to commute back and forth to the gym and get in a solid workout. I hopped onto YouTube to see if I could find something that would be comparable to my routine at 24 Hour Fitness. Lo and behold, I stumbled onto Real Hollywood Trainers YouTube webpage and did a 55 minute cardio workout.

Was she Jillian Michaels? No. Did she have killer technology? No. Was it polished and pretty and perfect? No. But at the end of 55 minutes I was sweating and sore, grateful for her weekly dedication and training of theย nameless faces who scour the Internet looking for workouts.

The power of giving has taken average people passionate about their field of excellence and made them into reputable voices in their perspective industry. Are there people who are doing it better? Are there people who mock homespun voices? Absolutely. But giving everyone a voice and a place at the proverbial table removes the power of the few wielding power over the all.

What are you good at? What do you want to do? Do it. And give it away. My sister always says, You can’t out-give God!ย She’s absolutely right. I blog for free. I vlog for free. I give away all my teachings for free. Why? Because I believe my needs will be met when I give away what I want to hold on to.

Do you bake? Give cupcakes to the local retirement home! Do you want to equip God’s people? Post your bible studies online! Do you write stories? Share them on a blog! Do you love sports? Coach a kid’s team! Do you like being dramatic? Use exclamation points!

The power of giving frees us to use our gifts without reservation. Give greatly.

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