Yesterday was quite possibly the worst failure in my career as a life-long stepparent. Oh Internet, I try. I really do, but sometimes my dreams of being an amazing stepparent and standup comedian go up in a ball of flames.

The example:
Parker, my eight year-old stepson, and I have this thing that we do when it’s just us in the house. He’ll ask, Where’s Papa? And I’ll respond with some crazy, zany response for the mundane activity Matt’s doing.

Where’s Papa?

  • Oh, you know, he’s swimming with polar bears in Antarctica!
  • Oh, you know, he’s hiding from us because he couldn’t handle living with three wild banshees!
  • Oh, you know, he’s flying to Boston. I hope his arms don’t get tired!
That’s right folks, I’ll be here all week! 😉 We have fun and I love being able to come up with quick-fire responses… until quick-fire becomes on-fire.
The example:
Where’s Papa?
In a blaze of sheer idiocy and exhaustion, I responded with the quickest thing that came to mind. In our regular standup routine of comical responses the only thing I could come up with at 8:30pm at night was, Oh, you know, he died.
Parker’s sullen face was morphing into simultaneous confusion and tearful explosion when I yelled, JUST KIDDING! And that right there? That’s my final comic set going down in a ball of flames! Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I was just kidding. He’s at school! Remember, he has class tonight! Haha, I’m so funny, right? Silly me. Silly Bianca!
This confirms that I will not be getting into standup comedy anytime soon. Not only is my delivery off, my content stinks!

Before I bow out and close the curtain, this incident comes on the heels of thinking about the biblical role and responsibilities of stepparents. I was putting together some points for a blog post about step-parenting when all this glorious material occurred. This further proves I could never be an authority on parenting. Or comedy. But at least I could add to the conversation on what not to do! 🙂

If you are a step-child or a step-parent, how was your experience? How was the relationship? What were some of the challenges? I always come back to you guys, my totally cool online friends, for insight outside the scope of mine. I’d totally appreciate your help!


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