I’m tapering down from vacation and feel ready to head back to the regular routine of alarm clocks, deadlines, and pressing forward. As I admitted before I left for my wee holiday, I needed to get away. Sometimes being in the battle takes a bigger toll than you imagine on your physical, spiritual, and emotional health.

This trip was time for me to reload, recalibrate, and reassess how and why I do what I do. In addition to eating great food, walking random streets, and not once using an alarm clock. 😉

Life and family require daily discipline and commitment. However, there is a time specifically in ministry to retreat from battle per se and reload. If you’re not careful, you could be left on the front lines empty and alone.

This Friday and Saturday is RELOAD, an intimate gathering for leaders across the SoCal area. If you serve at a church and are looking for a local event specializing in ministering in urban environments, you definitely need to check out this event! The guys at Urban Youth Workers Institute saw a need to train and equip those serving the inner-city community and put together a two-day gathering to do just that.

Everything from the speaker lineup, to the music, to the after-party is done to pour into leaders and make sure they are reloaded as they head back out to battle. I’ll be speaking at a session on Saturday and would LOVE pass this event along to those who are looking for inexpensive and impactful ways to learn from a community of leaders.

For more information, check out the registration page HERE or visit the UYWI website to learn more about their organization, but here are the basics:

  • May 18-19, 2012
  • Azusa Pacific University
  • $35 [includes main sessions, all learnshops, worship, after-party, and team-building experiences]

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