When my friend Lindsey asked me to talk about my biggest fear, the one pivotal conversation came to mind; a conversation that keep she running through darkness and reaching for the unknown.

The conversation was brief, but one brief conversation with a brilliant man is all you need to change how you think.

It went a little something like…

Me: I want to do [______________] and I can’t.

Him: What’s stopping you from doing it?

Me: I don’t know. I can’t explain it…

Him: I don’t know you well, but I can tell you know what it is. And I’m pushing you to articulate what’s holding you back.

Me: Okay, okay. I’m… I’m so… fearful.

Him: You’re fearful of being fearful?

To read the full post, check out Lindsey’s blog and share the love. She’s doing a series on fear and what it does cripple our dreams. Happy Thursday!

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