Who knew a tobacco wrapped in a small piece of white paper would cause such a controversy for the American church? Not too long ago I heard a pastor preach a sermon on the theological sin of smoking. Not smoking weed, but smoking anything, including cigarettes.

It was a great theological excavation of scripture, but at no point in the study did he quote a direct scripture regarding smoking being a sin. That lifted the mental red flag and inspired me answer Roman Kalinin’s question from the Facebook page:

Hey! I have a video request… you’ve talked a lot about many things on ur YouTube channel.. but I haven’t seen anything regarding smoking. Havent seen anything anywhere on the topic of smokin cigarettes actually… nobody ever talks about it. Think u can make one about if its ok or not for Christians to smoke cigarettes? Is it wrong? Why or why not? Thanks!!!

Oh Roman, I could squeeze you! 1. I love that you mentioned my YouTube channel. 2. You Facebook profile picture reminds me of Justin Bieber. 3. I love vlog questions! So my Internet friend, here are some thoughts for you to ruminate over. πŸ™‚

To reiterate the vlog points, though smoking is not a wise option, the bible doesn’t say that it is immoral [a sin]. Do I recommend it? No. Here’s why:

  • Every smoked cigarette takes 11 minutes off of your life. True fact.
  • Smoking dries out the enamel of your teeth, making the porous surface retain a yellow color. Negative points.
  • Inhaling oxygen laced with chemical smoke into your lungs is not only dangerous, it’s stupid. Amen.
  • Kissing a smoker is akin to licking an ashtray. I know. I’ve done it. Eeeeewwwww! I just admitting that to you, Internet. Don’t judge!

Here’s your chance to weigh in! Did you grow up thinking smoking is a sin? If you smoke, no stones will be cast [pinkie promise], but what are the reasons you smoke? I’m wildly interested!

Happy Friday!

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