What living with the Mobilization Missions Pastor looks like:

Matt: Did you know the lotto is up to 453 million dollars?
Me:Β No way! Wow, maybe we should play. Come on, it’s only one dollar!
Matt: Β Why? What what you do if you won 453 million dollars?
Me: Oh muh gah! I would first pay off our debt. Then I would buy a house—by the beach. Of course I’d tithe, you know that. Then I’d buy a new car and I’d buy my dad his dream car, maybe take a trip around the world with you, me, and the kids. Then go on an island vacation with just me and you… rrrrrawr! Β We can give money to our friends in need and maybe start a college fund for kids like me. And then… [my list continued on]
Matt: [silence]
Me: Doesn’t that sound like fun?
Matt: Umm hmmm, yeah.
Me: Why? What would you do?
Matt: I’d take all the money and help fund other people’s dreams who can’t afford them.
Me: [silence]
Matt: God has given us so much and it would be amazing to help other people Β get what they dream of.

This is when I died a slow, convicting death. While I was dreaming up European vacations to top PDiddy’s extravagance, he’s handing out alms to those in need. My socialist/communist/holy spirit of a husband is more concerned with evening out the distribution of wealth then the car I want.

And this right here? This is why God had me marry a missions pastor!!! πŸ™‚

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