There’s a time in life when friends can take you to places higher than you thought you could ever go. For Charlotte and Jonathan, that’s exactly what happens. In this amazing clip about the duo, you see how—even in hurt or pain—they stand by each other.

But did you notice what the YouTube clip is entitled? Jonathan Antoine Audition. Was Charlotte’s name listed? Was Charlotte omitted intentionally? Did you see Charlotte’s face when Simon Cowell [Simon, I LOVE YOU!] told her she would hold back Jonathan?

Let’s be honest here. That kid wouldn’t have walked onto to stage, let alone audition, if it wasn’t for her. But her courage enabled him to be the very best version of himself.

Sometimes playing second is tough. But that’s what friends do. That’s what friends should do. I was so moved by Charlotte’s actions that I’m committed to pushing my friends farther, enabling them to be the best version of themselves, and believing that they are amazing.

So Charlotte, though Jonathan stole the stage, you stole my heart and inspired me to be a committed friend to those around me.

There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. —Proverbs 18:24

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