Today I made a boiled egg for a breakfast.*

In my haste of trying to get out the door, I placed my egg into a clear baggy and raced out of the door. By the time I reached the office, pulled out my laptop, and placed my lunch on my desk, I realized my boiled egg had slipped to the bottom of my work bag.

I pulled out the baggy and saw my perfectly round egg shell cracked and broken into at least a hundred pieces. What I really don’t feel like telling you is as I held the bag up, I placed my head down on my desk and sobbed.

The egg looks like me right now. I feel like I’m in a million pieces.

Like most people, there are responsibilities that weigh on us every single day. For me it’s How many calories did I consume today? Did I send that email? When’s my deadline for work? Does A, J, and L hate me for bailing on Monday? How did I only burn 403 calories in my entire workout? Why haven’t I read today? Does Matt think I’m a horrible wife? Wait, I am a horrible wife! When can I call back Bri to pray with her? Do we have the money for our $2,000 tax debt? God, hello? Are you there?

Yes, I am broken into a million different pieces. But that’s not why I cried. I cried because the egg was still held together.

The egg was dropped into hot water to harden the inner part of the egg. The most important part of the egg. The part protected by the shell. Enduring great amounts of heat, the center solidified.ย 

Though I am broken and feel like I’m trying to keep a million different pieces together, the center part of me is solidified. The part that is most important. The part that matters. Though I am broken, my center is strong enough for my shape to retain the pressure of life. What is in me can sustain what is on me. Jesus is in me, he can sustain me.

So I continue on… broken, shattered, yet whole.

*If you think I have an eating disorder for only making a singular egg for an entire meal, please think again. This is what happens when I’m too busy to go to the market. Between an egg or a PopTart as my choices, I opted for the choice that my thighs would appreciate it.

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