Did you know that according to global research fear of public speaking is ranked above death as the number one fear? Yes, people would rather DIE than get up in front of people and present information. In other words—if we’re being logical—if we were at a funeral, most people would rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy.

Not only is glossophobia ranked above death, but it’s also ranked above arachnophobia and claustrophobia. My symptoms include talking too much, hugging Matthew every 5 seconds, doing a pirouette in my living room, and insisting on a gym workout at 4:45am this morning.

And even though I’m nervous, I find myself packing a bag and printing out my notes to head to Antioch, California for the Captivate Women’s Conference at Fellowship Church. The good Lord has such a sense of humor! The nerves in my stomach feel like 10,000 butterflies and I’m convincing myself I’m not going to fall on my way up to the stage or pass out in the middle of the presentation.

The solace I have in speaking to a group of women I’ve never met in a city I’ve never been to ย is the fact that I’m not going to sell an item or peddle a product. I get to talk about Jesus and how He has called us to be captivated by His will for our lives. I don’t stand on my own authority, but in the same authority David had when he fought Goliath, Gideon had when he faced the Midianites, and ย Moses when he faced Pharaoh. WORD to your mom!

The best part about all of this is that I also get to represent The A21 Campaign and the cause that has captivated my heart. The committee invited us to share about human trafficking and how everyday people can make everyday changes in the fight against slavery. More than anything, I want to represent A21 and the 27 million people living in slavery in a way that is honoring and informative.

Basically, pray for me. I’m a concoction of nervous energy, pent-up excitement, and frenetic chaos. In other words, it’s just another day in the story of my life. ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you’re in the Oakland area and want to join up with a rowdy bunch of World Changers, check out Captivate!

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